HCOM is the built-in scripting language in Hopsan. It can control most parts of the program, either from the terminal widget or through external script files. Use the help
command to list all available commands or help
to get help for a specific command.
When HCOM scripts are loaded from a file, multi-line control flow can be used
You can use if statements, with one optional else clause.
if( condition_expression ) . . [else] . . endif
Example: Assign b = 1 if a is greater then 4, else assign b = 0
a = 5 if( a > 4 ) b = 1 else b = 0 endif
You can use a while loop to repeat an expression until the condition is fulfilled
while (condition) . . repeat
Example: Loop an expression five times, in this case summing the five first elements from a data vector
sum = 0 i = 0 while (i < 5) sum = sum + peek(data_vector, i) i = i+1 repeat
You can use foreach to loop over multiple plot variables matching a filter_pattern Each resolved plot variable name will end up in the loop variable 'var'. Use $var to resolve the matched plot variable name Note! This function only works with plot variables right now
foreach var filter_pattern . . endforeach
Example: Take the sum of the average value from all plot variables matching the pattern Step*.out.y
sum = 0 foreach v Step*.out.y sum = sum + aver($v) endforeach
Simulates current model (or all open models)
Usage: sim
Usage: sim all
Usage: sim -loadstate file
Usage: sim -loadsv file
-loadsv will load start values from a saved simulation state file
-loadstate will do the same but also offset the simulation time
Change simulation settings
Usage: chss [starttime] [timestep] [stoptime] [samples]
Usage: chss [starttime] [timestep] [stoptime]
Change time step of sub-component
Usage: chts [component] [timestep]
Inherit time step of sub-component from system time step
Usage: ints [component]
Change plot variables in current plot
Usage: chpv [leftvar1{s,c,t} leftvar2{s,c,t} ...] -r [rightvar1{s,c,t} rightvar2{s,c,t} ... ]
Usage: chpv [leftvar1{s,c,t} leftvar2{s,c,t} ...]
Usage: chpv -r [rightvar1{s,c,t} rightvar2{s,c,t} ... ]
Line appearance (optional):
Style (s): 1 = solid, 2 = dotted, 3 = dashed, 4 = dash-dotted
Color (c): red, darkblue, lightgreen...
Thickness (t): Thickness of line (integer value)
Symbol (y): 1 = cross, 2 = ellipse, 3=xcross, 4=triangle...
>> chpv Pump.P1.p -r Pump.P1.q{2,blue,2}
Add plot variables in current plot
Usage: adpv [leftvar1{s,c,t} leftvar2{s,c,t} ...] -r [rightvar1{s,c,t} rightvar2{s,c,t} ... ]
Usage: adpv [leftvar1{s,c,t} leftvar2{s,c,t} ...]
Usage: adpv -r [rightvar1{s,c,t} rightvar2{s,c,t} ... ]
Line appearance (optional):
Style (s): 1 = solid, 2 = dotted, 3 = dashed, 4 = dash-dotted
Color (c): red, darkblue, lightgreen...
Thickness (t): Thickness of line (integer value)
Symbol (y): 1 = cross, 2 = ellipse, 3=xcross, 4=triangle...
>> adpv Pump.P1.p -r Pump.P1.q{2,blue,2}
Adds plot variables on left axis in current plot
Usage: adpvl [var1{s,c,t} var2{s,c,t} ... ]
Line appearance (optional):
Style (s): 1 = solid, 2 = dotted, 3 = dashed, 4 = dash-dotted
Color (c): red, darkblue, lightgreen...
Thickness (t): Thickness of line (integer value)
Symbol (y): 1 = cross, 2 = ellipse, 3=xcross, 4=triangle...
>> adpvl Pump.P1.p Pump.P1.q{2,blue,2}
Adds plot variables on right axis in current plot
Usage: adpvr [var1{s,c,t} var2{s,c,t} ... ]
Line appearance (optional):
Style (s): 1 = solid, 2 = dotted, 3 = dashed, 4 = dash-dotted
Color (c): red, darkblue, lightgreen...
Thickness (t): Thickness of line (integer value)
Symbol (y): 1 = cross, 2 = ellipse, 3=xcross, 4=triangle...
>> adpvl Pump.P1.p Pump.P1.q{2,blue,2}
Change diagram size (and position)
Usage: chds [width] [height]
Usage: chds [x] [y] [width] [height]
Change (and lock) diagram limits in the current plot
Usage: chdl [xLow] [xHigh]
Usage: chdl [xLow] [xHigh] [xTicks]
Usage: chdl [xLow] [xHigh] [xTicks] [ylLow] [ylHigh] [ylTicks]
Usage: chdl [xLow] [xHigh] [xTicks] [ylLow] [ylHigh] [ylTicks] [yrLow] [yrHigh] [yrTicks]
Usage: chdl reset
Change (and lock) diagram left y-axis limits in the current plot
Usage: chdlyl [ylLow] [ylHigh]
Usage: chdlyl [ylLow] [ylHigh] [ylTicks]
Usage: chdlyl reset
Change (and lock) diagram right y-axis limits in the current plot
Usage: chdlyr [yrLow] [yrHigh]
Usage: chdlyr [yrLow] [yrHigh] [yrTicks]
Usage: chdlyr reset
Turn on and off logarithmic x-axis scale
Usage: logx on
Usage: logx off
Turn on and off logarithmic left y-axis scale
Usage: logyl on
Usage: logyl off
Turn on and off logarithmic right y-axis scale
Usage: logyr on
Usage: logyr off
Save the current plotwinow as an image
Usage: sapw [fileName.ext] [width] [height] [dimUnit] [dpi]
Usage: sapw [fileName.ext] [width] [height] [dimUnit]
Usage: sapw [fileName.ext] [width] [height] Pixels size
Usage: sapw [fileName.ext] Use screen size
ext: png, pdf, svg, ps, jpeg
dimUnit: px, mm, cm, in
'dpi' (actually pixels/inch) is ignored for vector formats or when dimunit is 'px' (pixels)
Changes current terminal plot window
Usage: chpw [name]
Displays current terminal plot window
Usage: dipw [no arguments]
Changes plot variables on left axis in current plot
Usage: chpvl [var1{s,c,t} var2{s,c,t} ... ]
Line appearance (optional):
Style (s): 1 = solid, 2 = dotted, 3 = dashed, 4 = dash-dotted
Color (c): red, darkblue, lightgreen...
Thickness (t): Thickness of line (integer value)
Symbol (y): 1 = cross, 2 = ellipse, 3=xcross, 4=triangle...
>> chpvl Pump.P1.p Pump.P1.q{2,blue,2}
Changes plot variables on right axis in current plot
Usage: chpvr [var1{s,c,t} var2{s,c,t,y} ... ] Line appearance (optional):
Style (s): 1 = solid, 2 = dotted, 3 = dashed, 4 = dash-dotted
Color (c): red, darkblue, lightgreen...
Thickness (t): Thickness of line (integer value)
Symbol (y): 1 = cross, 2 = ellipse, 3=xcross, 4=triangle...
>> chpvr Pump.P1.p Pump.P1.q{2,blue,2}
Changes xdata plot variable in current plot
Usage: chpvx [varname]
Usage: chpvx -c Clear Custom x-data
Change time plot offset for the current or specified generation
Usage: chto [offset] [generation]
Time offset should be given in the unit selected as the default time unit
The generation specifier is optional, you can use c,a,*,h,l specifiers
Display time plot offset of specified generation
Usage: dito [generation]
Time offset will be shown in the chose default time unit
The "ans" variable will be offset in seconds (the base unit)
Save log variables to file. Filename suffix determins format
Usage: sapl [filepath] [-flags] [variables]
Flags (optional):
-csv Force CSV format
-plo Force PLO format
-h5 Force H5 (HDF5) format
Loads plot files from .csv or .plo
Usage: repl [-flags] [filepath]
Flags (optional):
-csv Force CSV (, or ;) format
-ssp Force CSV (space separated) format
-plo Force PLO format
Creates a bode plot from specified curves
Usage: bode [invar] [outvar] [maxfreq] [windowfunction] [mintime] [maxtime]
Creates a Nyquist plot from specified curves
Usage: nyquist [invar] [outvar]
Locks or unlocks all axes in current plot window
Usage: lock [flag] [on/off]
See also: lockyl, lockyr, lockr
Locks or unlocks left y-axis in current plot window
Usage: lockyl [on/off]
See also: lock, lockyr, lockr
Locks or unlocks right y-axis in current plot window
Usage: lockyr [on/off]
See also: lock, lockyl, lockr
Locks or unlocks x-axis in current plot window
Usage: lockx [on/off]
See also: lock, lockyl, lockyr
Display parameter value
Usage: dipa
Usage: dipa [parameter]
Usage: dipa [parameter] [condition]
Example: Display all parameters starting with "Mass" and a value greater than 10:
>> dipa Mass* >10
Add (system) parameter
Usage: adpa [parameter] [value]
Change parameter value
Usage: chpa [parameter] [value]
Save model or component parameter values to XML file (.hpf)
Usage: sapa [filepath]
Usage: sapa [filepath] [componentname]
Usage: sapa [filepath] [-c]
Flag -c for current visible system
Load model or component parameters values from XML file (.hpf)
Usage: repa [filepath]
Usage: repa [filepath] [componentname]
Usage: repa [filepath] [-c]
Flag -c for current visible system
Executes a script file
Usage: exec [filepath]
Writes history to file
Usage: wrhi [filepath]
Writes text string to file
Usage: wrtf [-flag] [filepath] ["string"]
Flags (optional):
-a Append at end of file
-e Erase existing contents before writing
Variables can be written by putting them in dollar signs.
>> wrtf -a output.txt "x=$x$"
Displays present working directory
Usage: pwd [no arguments]
Displays working directory of current model
Usage: mwd [no arguments]
Changes present working directory
Path may be relative or absolute and must be contained withing quotes " " if it contains spaces
Usage: cd [directory]
Usage: cd -mwd Switch to current model working directory
Creates directory and all parent directories
Path may be relative or absolute and must be contained withing quotes " " if it contains spaces
Usage: mkdir [path]
List files in current directory
Usage: ls Usage: ls [wildcard]
Open file in external editor
Usage: edit [filepath]
Shows a list of all variables matching specified name filter (using asterisks)
Usage: disp [filter]
Shows the value at a specified index in a specified data variable
Usage: peek [variable] [index]
Changes the value at a specified index in a specified data variable
Usage: poke [variable] [index] [newvalue]
Defines an alias for a variable
Usage: alias [variable] [alias]
Removes specified variable
Usage: rmvar [variables]
Usage: rmvar [variables] -n [variables]
Flags (optional):
-n Exclude specified variables -noalias Exclude all alias variables
Display highest generation
Usage: dihg
Set quantity on specified variable(s)
Usage: sequ [variable] [quantityname]
Usage: sequ [variable] -
The second example clears the quantity
Toggle invert plot of specified variable
Usage: ivpv [variable]
Set plot label
Usage: sepl [variable] [label]
Disables logging in specified ports
Usage: dlog [ports]
Enables logging in specified ports
Usage: elog [ports]
Display components Usage: dico
Usage: dico [component]
Example: Display all components starting with "x":
>> dico x*
Loads a model file
Usage: load [filepath]
Revert the current model
Usage: revert
Loads most recent model file
Usage: loadr [no arguments]
Saves current model
Usage: save
Usage: save [filepath]
If no file path is specified, current model file is overwritten.
Renames a component
Usage: reco [oldname] [newname]
Removes specified component(s)
Usage: rmco [component]
Changes current model tab
Usage: chtab [index]
Adds a new component to current model
Usage: adco [typename] [name] -a [x-coord] [y-coord] [rot-angel]
Usage: adco [typename] [name] -e [other] [east-offset] [rot-angel]
Usage: adco [typename] [name] -w [other] [west-offset] [rot-angel]
Usage: adco [typename] [name] -n [other] [north-offset] [rot-angel]
Usage: adco [typename] [name] -s [other] [south-offset] [rot-angel]
Replaces a component with a different type
Usage: rpco [name] [typename]
Connect components in current model
Usage: coco [comp1] [port1] [comp2] [port2]
List unconnected ports in current model
Usage: unco [wildcard]
Creates a new model
Usage: crmo [no arguments]
Shows help information
Usage: help [command]
Show information about specified variable
Usage: info [variable]
Exits the program
Usage: exit [no arguments]
Prints arguments on the screen
Usage: print [-flag] ["string"]
Usage: print [-flag] [expression]
Flags (optional):
-i Info message
-w Warning message
-e Error message
Variables can be included in strings by putting them in dollar signs.
>> print -w "x=$x$"
Warning: x=12
Evaluate string expression
Usage: eval ["expression"]
Variable evaluation can be included by putting them within dollar signs
>> eval "chpv Gain$i$.out.y"
Sets Hopsan preferences
Usage: set [preference] [value]
Available preferences:
multicore [on/off]
threads [number]
cachetodisk [on/off]
generationlimit [number]
samples [number]
undo [on/off]
backup [on/off]
progressbar [on/off]
progressbarstep [number]
Shows current Hopsan preferences
Usage: get [preference]
No argument prints all preferences.
Available preferences:
Closes current model
Usage: close Usage: close all
Exports current model to Functional Mockup Unit (FMU)
Usage: fmu [path]
Initialize an optimization
Usage: opt [algorithm] [partype] [parnum] [parmin] [parmax] -flags]
Algorithms: Flags:
complex alpha
Calls a pre-defined function
Usage: call [funcname]
Sets terminal output on or off
Usage: echo [on/off]
Change mutli-trheading settings
Usage: semt [on/off] [numThreads] [algorithm]
Usage: semt [on/off] [numThreads]
Pause execution for a number of seconds
Usage: sleep [seconds]
The sleep argument has millisecond accuracy
The absolute value of each vector element
Usage: abs(vector)
Returns the answer from the previous computation
Usage: ans()
Calculate average value of vector
Usage: aver(vector)
Transforms derivatives in a symbolic expression using the first order backward differentiation formula (implicit Euler)
Usage: e = bdf1(f)
Transforms derivatives in a symbolic expression using the second order backward differentiation formula
Usage: e = bdf2(f)
Rounds the value of each vector element to the smallest integer larger than the value
Usage: ceil(vector)
Removes all samples x[i] for which y[i]<0.5
Usage: cut(x, y)
Differentiates vector with respect to time (or to custom vector)
Usage: ddt(vector)
Usage: ddt(vector, timevector)
Differentiates a symbolic expression with respect to another one
Usage: e = der(f1,f2)
Index-wise fuzzy equal check between vectors and/or scalars (equivalent to "==" operator)
Usage: eq(varName, threshold, eps)
Usage: eq(var1, var2, eps)
Generates energy spectral density from vector
Usage: esd(vector, [timevector], windowing, [mintime], [maxtime])
Transforms derivatives in a symbolic expression using the forward Euler method
Usage: e = euler(f)
Evaluates a symbolic expression using local variables
Usage: y = expr(f)
Returns whether or not specified component exists in model
Usage: exists(name)
Expands all parentheses in a symbolic expression
Usage: e = expand(f)
Expands all powers in a symbolic expression to multiplications
Usage: e = expandPowers(f)
Defines a new symbolic expression
Usage: e = expr(...)
Factors a symbolic expression with respect to another one
Usage: e = factor(f1,f2)
Fuzzy compare, returns 1 if the values of the arguments are almost the same
Usage: fc(expr, expr, tolerance)
Converts variable to frequency domain.
Usage: y = fd(x)
Generates frequency spectrum plot from vector (deprecated)
Usage: fft(vector, type, windowing, [min], [max])
Usage: fft(vector, [timevector], type, windowing, [min], [max])
Rounds the value of each vector element to the largest integer smaller than the value
Usage: floor(vector)
Index-wise greater than check between vectors and/or scalars (equivalent to ">" operator)
Usage: gt(varName, threshold)
Usage: gt(var1, var2)
Returns highest generation number
Usage: hg()
Calculate index of maximum value of vector
Usage: imax(vector)
Calculate index of minimum value of vector
Usage: imin(vector)
Integrates vector with respect to time (or to custom vector)
Usage: int(vector)
Usage: int(vector, timevector)
Prints a symbolic expression with LaTeX syntax
Usage: latex(e)
Returns the left-hand side of a SymHop equation
Usage: e = left(f)
Linearizes a SymHop equation by multiplying with all divisors
Usage: e = linearize(f)
Linearly spaced vector
Usage: linspace(min, max, numSamples)
Logarithmicly spaced vector
Usage: logspace(min, max, numSamples)
Applies low-pass filter of first degree to vector
Usage: lp1(vector, frequency)
Usage: lp1(vector, timevector, frequency)
Index-wise less than check between vectors and/or scalars (equivalent to "<" operator)
Usage: lt(varName, threshold)
Usage: lt(var1,var2)
Calculate maximum value of vector
Returns the element-wise maximum values of x and y vectors
Usage: maxof(x,y)
Returns the maximum value of specified parameter for specified component type
Usage: maxpar(type,par)
Calculate minimum value of vector
Usage: min(vector)
Returns the element-wise minimum values of x and y vectors
Usage: minof(x,y)
Returns the minimum value of specified parameter for specified component type
Usage: minpar(type,par)
Returns optimization objective function value with specified index
Usage: obj(idx)
Create a vector of ones
Usage: ones(size)
Returns specified optimization parameter
Usage: optpar(idx)
Returns specified optimization variable
Usage: optvar(idx)
Returns vector value at specified index
Usage: peek(vector, idx)
Generates power spectral density from vector
Usage: psd(vector, [timevector], windowing, [mintime], [maxtime])
Generates a random value between 0 and 1
Usage: rand()
Removes all divisors in a symbolic expression
Usage: e = removeDivisors(f)
Returns the right-hand side of a SymHop equation
Usage: e = right(f)
Computes the root mean square of given vector
Usage: rms(vector)
Generates root mean square spectral density from vector
Usage: rmsd(vector, [timevector], windowing, [mintime], [maxtime])
Rounds the value of each vector element to closest integer value
Usage: round(vector)
Simplifies a symbolic expression
Usage: e = simplify(f)
Calculate the size of a vector
Usage: size(vector)
Identifies steady-state for specified variable
Usage: ssi(vector, method, arguments)
Method 0 (rectangular window):
ssi(vector, 0, tolerance, windowlength)
Method 1 (ratio of differently estimated variances):
ssi(vector, 1, tolerance, windowlength, noiseamplitude
Method 2 (ratio of differently estimated variances using weighted moving average):
ssi(vector, 2, tolerance, lambda1, lambda2, lambda3, noiseamplitude)
Converts variable to time domain.
Usage: y = td(x)
Returns last simulation time
Usage: time()
Transforms derivatives in a symbolic expression using the trapezoid method
Usage: e = trapezoid(f)
Create a vector with specified values
Usage: vector(1,2,3,4,5,6,...)
Returns the X-vector of the specified variable.
Usage: x(vector)
Create a vector of zeros
Usage: zeros(size)